long time since i had been bloggin.... felt so sorry to my blog for not visiting u for such a long time >.<
well well well... i'm taking this special semester(short sem) 5 weeks had pass and another 1 more month is the finals seems like super fast lol
anyway due to the super duper freeness during this sem, ppl... when i mean ppl meaning ME! tend to spend more to accommodate all the free time =.= i was thinking what did i spend on so much... what do u think it is??? FOOD!!!!! dammit.. I NEED FOOD!!!! eating while typing this blog sommore lol... FACT!!! i'm born thin and i can't get fat and girls hate me for that XD
sucky sucky time passes around,
dreaming dreaming becoming rich one day.
money money in my bank account,
fast fast la grow like the weeds in my garden.
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