Sunday 28 January 2007

ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! Stringsssssssssss of Bad Luck!

Have you ever felt that bad luck just suddenly hits you hard on the head and leaves u
unconscious? last week, that bad luck made a direct hit! the bad luck just continues for a 1 week and i hope it has stopped now... it all began last week.

My English lecturer asked my class to prepare 3 speeches and 1 of them will be our public speaking evaluation. so everybody started preparing until 1 day in class the lecturer told me this, Hou Wen, u did very well in your impromptu speech(i got 4.8/5), i'll choose a topic for you to present. I was like huh?! i've already prepared mine! she went like, nah... your topic is not interesting, it will bore the class. well, as you can see i have no choice so i agreed.

Guess what topic did she choose for me? it was "Future of Medical Technology" i went like wtf?! What points are there to speak about that? and all she said is do your best =.=" i just wish i could stab her in the back with a knife :P well.. in 4 days i would need to hand in my speech outline ;speech outline is actually the flow of ur presentation and point that will be reviewed by the lecturer before hand; so i did my konon called "research" first, and planned to write my speech outline at my aunts house and email it to the lecturer. My speech outline was due sunday and it was friday when i reached my aunts house. So i thought that is quite late already, i'll take a nap first and do my outline tomorrow. The next day when i switch on the computer, the Blue Screen appeared! (the blue screen is actually a system critical error when starting up windows)...i went like oh sht! i wasted the whole morning formatting the computer and started my work, when i was finished with the formatting, it was already 4pm... so i began writing the outline, when i was writing the outline, in my mind went like "this is crap hard, what am i suppose to write?" deng.... it was already 11:30pm when i finished the outline

This is where the bad luck comes... remember what ppl usually say when working on computers? make a back up from time to time.... and this is another personal reminder from me is........ CREATE BACKUP! remember when i said i finish the outline at 11:30pm? At 11:31pm, i accidentally delete the outline. At that time i remembered what my lecturer had said, "i will not accept any outline if it is sent after saturday midnight" and that time it was already 11:40pm... Of course i did panic at that time. i quickly started writing another copy, i wrote as much as i can remember; and oh ya, the outline was 3 pages long =.= . Well, my speech outline only ended up with 1 page. It totally SUX to the CORE! only got 1/5 marks...carp...

well that was my first bad luck which is saturday. The next 1 will be monday. my friend asked me to help scan his tumbdrive, so i agreed. His tmbdrive is so freaking small! is like 1.5cm x 2.5cm! Is no wonder i lost it... luckily is was just a 256MB TD i still have to pay him back... The next bad luck will be wednesday... Chemistry quiz! totally screwed! but donno y i got quite high marks for it... haha :) ..... the worse bad luck of all.... thursday(day before
calculus test) ... was in my room playing with my housemate.. they were all pushing around... my phone was on the bed, one of my housemate was pushed, he lost balance and sat DIRECTLY on my precious w800i :'( the LCD screen cracked... oh man... called up ee's father.. he say it will cost around RM200.. crap lar.. in 1 week RM250+ fly... what could get worse?? It really happend... the next news i got was my MUET result... i got band 3! fark it... it was sooooo close to band 4, only 2 marks left =.="

Friday dy big day! calculus test 1! sien... morning went to class as usuall and went back to my room to practise some exercise... when i got the questions during the test, i was soo happy... it was sooooo easy... the question comes with the answer, you just have to prove it! but when i did the questions it was like root cube of 6 + this and that... =.=' when i came out of the exam, i started comparing answers with my classmates, there were the same.. but mine is in the form of cube root... well, lecturer is gonna deduct marks for that...

I still have to send back a copy my SPM result and IC to my mother in order to retake MUET again... but i got to post laju too late... and the closing date i the H*** with MUET... i just hope the bad luck won't continue..... *END*


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